Saturday, June 16, 2012

I suck at taking pictures.

I never remember to take pictures. I'm the worst, ever. Maybe I'll trawl friends' blogs and see if they have photos I can mooch?

Speaking of my friends and their photos, now might be a good time to provide some shameless plugs to their blogs, which are consistently better than mine.

This is Linnea. She's a gorgeous teacher-of-everything with an incredibly infectious smile and a blog featuring a snazzy design. Her photos are fab (if I steal anyone's, it'll be hers), and her writing is fun and interesting to read. Go go go!

And this is Andi. She also teaches lots of things. Her writing is by turns amusing and insightful, and her blog is a total riot. Sometimes I read the same posts three or four times simply because they are wonderful, and I never stop giggling. Go go go here too!

And you've been introduced (in some previous post) to Connie, who is adorable and also hilarious.

Disclaimer: this photo is not from last night, because I am far too disorganized and lame for that. It's from a week ago. But it was another nightclub! From left to right is Jenny (my boss) then Connie (of the aforementioned adorable hilarity) and, of course, me. Why yes I am that shiny-skinned and messy-haired every day here. Shut up. It's humid, okay?

Anyway, last night we went to Roxy99, which seems like the hip place to be. Here in Taipei, the metro runs until midnight, and then it stops. What?! So I knew, as I left my apartment, that I'd have to take a cab home. Well, I didn't count on the metro's starting time--6AM. At about 5AM, we left the club; I noticed I didn't have long to wait. So Linnea and Dave and I hung out in McDonald's for a little bit, and then I came home on the metro, getting home at about quarter to seven. Whew!

It was a good night. There were an astonishing number of white people there, which felt odd. And people (well, men) seemed bizarrely forward: for years, I've never been flirted with or harassed at a bar, and then it happened last night. I utilized the tolerant good will of my friends probably one too many times trying to escape from people who couldn't remember what "no" meant...but oh well. We still had a fab time, and it was fun to go out with so many of my co-workers.

Um okay. I'm going to get better at taking photos. Here I go.


  1. Girl! Thank you for the shout out, and you can have any ole picture your little heart desires. I love reading your perspectives on our and your own escapades! Very nice indeed!

  2. my face! it gets shiny sometimes too. yay for plugs. i will plug your blog too
